Dr Iolanda Rodino
Dr Rodino is a Clinical Psychologist and infertility counsellor who has worked in the field of Reproductive Medicine for many years. She consults to several fertility clinics helping with the emotional, relationship and stressful challenges that occur when trying to achieve a pregnancy through assisted reproductive technology. Dr Rodino has daily contact with clinic doctors, embryologists and nurses and can also help you decide which clinic will best suit your medical, emotional and financial needs as well as provide specific guidelines on how to best be prepared for your first clinic appointment.
It’s possibly one of the hardest decisions in life to make. Should I have a baby? When should I have a baby? Although for many women and couples, it’s really not something they have thought about at all. And perhaps they should.
There’s an assumption that “if” and “when” they get around to that stage in their lives, well it will all just happen, won’t it? Sadly, the answer is possibly no … even with the very best that modern medicine and science has to offer.
Some young women say having a baby is something they will do … “one day”. Older women are often accused of spending too much time worrying about their careers and financial security, although often the truth is they just haven’t met the right partner. Other women and men think that if there are problems, then IVF will be able to fix whatever stands in the way.
There are a myriad of reasons that affect our decisions about having children, but the one thing everyone needs is the right information to base those life-changing and important decisions on.
The truth is that most Australian women and men know surprisingly little about their own bodies, what affects their fertility and how difficult it can sometimes be, to let “nature take its course”.
Thousands of Australian men, women and couples who’ve battled the heartbreak of infertility tell us they wished they’d known more, earlier. That’s a challenge that “Think Fertility” has a commitment to change.
Our aim is simple. “Think Fertility” is not about telling anyone that they should have a baby, nor about telling anyone how they should live their lives. We want to give you the facts – good and bad – about your fertility, so you can make whatever decision is right for you.
We sincerely hope you find the following information helpful and we’re happy to point you in the direction of further resources if you’d like to know more. Good luck.